Monday, March 22, 2010

The Short Threads

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.

My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,

your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.

Psalm 139:13-16

A dear friend reminded me recently of how much fullness Nicholas & Olivia brought into our lives in such a short time. It was so nice to be reminded of that.

We don't know why God brings some of us through quickly and others not, but our days are measured by Him even before we are born. Each one of us is born with a unique purpose, even those who live only hours, days, or months. I find that comforting. In a world that feels out of control, there's Someone who is weaving a beautiful design, even out of a chaotic mess or the most desperate of circumstances. I've heard it compared to the underside of an elaborate tapestry. From the back, it's a complete mess. From the front, it's a masterpiece.

And the short threads are just as important as the long ones.


Kim said...

I love the image of the tapestry...both messy on the backside and a masterpiece on the front. Thankfully, the Weaver cares for each woven thread and has put each thread in its place for a purpose! That is a comforting thought and image...thank you.

Anonymous said...

i too love that image of a tapestry ... you know some pretty amazing people !!! how very blessed you are in so many ways !! thanyou for sharing that with us !! love mom♥♥