Saturday, January 12, 2013

A Cold Winter Morning

Again I shall behold thee, daughter true;
The hour will come when I shall behold thee fast
In God's name, loving thee all through and through.
Somewhere in His grand thought this waits for us.
Then I shall see a smile not like thy last -
For that great thing which came when all was past,
Was not a smile, but God's peace glorious.
- George Macdonald

Olivia, I missed the best and sweetest time with you, and it haunts me still.  I had to make the choice that no mother should make and I loved out of what I had.  The only thing that gives me hope is that one day we will have an eternity to get to know each other.  Sweet one, you went on before us on a cold winter morning but you are never far from our hearts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My little Livvie: I hold you close to my heart. Sometimes, when I look up into the sky at night and see the stars twinkling, I imagine I see your bright eyes winking at me. Even though I miss you, it brings me comfort knowing that you are forever safe. With love, Gramma