Sunday, November 27, 2011

Remembering Nicholas

We had a son once.

He was a beautiful boy with a gentle spirit.  He was happy and snuggly and looked like his dad.

Our house needs a little boy.  We need cars and trucks and denim overalls and army men.  We need hockey sticks and footballs and a fort in the big tree in the back yard.

Nicholas, we miss you more and more with each passing year.  Not just for the little boy you were, but also for the son you were going to be.  Our only consolation is that we will know you in eternity - all of you, the Nicholas we never really got a chance to know - and that we will be reunited then.

...for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith... 1 John 5:4


Anonymous said...

I, too, remember my first little grandson. I think of you everyday and sometimes imagine what you would look like by now or how tall you'd be. I am so thankful that I could spend those four months with you, for I now have those memories of you to always treasure in my heart. I know that I will see you again, but I miss you for now.

Love to "my little puddin'"

Kristen said...

Such a beautiful picture of Nicholas. He looks so happy! ((((HUGS))))

Anonymous said...

i miss you too Nicky... love GRAMMA

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful little boy.
I still check every so often and pray for you, Lisa!