Monday, June 16, 2008


There are three things that are never satisfied,
Four never say, “Enough!”:
The grave,
The barren womb,
The earth that is not satisfied with water—
And the fire never says, “Enough!" (Proverbs 30: 15-16)

My daughter Sabrina loves candy. I mean, LOVES candy. It is basically the only thing she thinks about, other than waterslides and amusement parks. Of course we enjoy giving her treats, but there comes a point when she asks for something and we give it to her, she wants two. Or if we offer two, she wants three. By then, if she doesn't get as much as she wants when she wants it she throws a fit and I get to the point where I don't want to give her anything at all because it never seems to be good enough.

God gently reminded me this weekend that the gifts of the children He has given me were an honor and a privilege, and not an entitlement. He didn't owe me anything when He gave them to me, and He doesn't owe me anything in return for the two that are with Him now. I then humbly offered deep thanks for the gift of being able to have two delightful pregnancies, and for the double honor of being able to be pregnant with twins. I remembered then that there are many women who yearn for even one successful pregnancy and I was still wanting more than what I had already been given.

It was the first time I could recall that I actually thanked God for enabling me to carry life within my body, and in doing that my soul found peace again.


Lisa said...

you're so right...

Hannah said...

This is the kind of thing that you can only say for yourself--and what a powerful and blessed moment to reach that point!
(As in, it's not helpful for someone else to have said, "At least you had two healthy pregnancies..."--ah, those "at least" comments...)
But put this way, as you have expressed here, it is completely different and beautiful...

(and I just wanted to let you know that I think of you on your 3 dates each month...)

Misty said...

Surrender is such a terrifying thing for me. Yet I find so much peace when I get to that point.

I agree that it is only something you can say for yourself. I can't imagine someone saying that to you and it being helpful. In fact to be honest I was a little uncomfortable reading it at first until I realized that God has perfect timing and you used the word 'gently.'