Monday, December 8, 2008


Of course I know what the antidote is. I just get tired of applying it sometimes.

Do you understand? It's not just losing someone you love that's the hardest part. It's how it continues to redefine you and remind you that you are somebody different now. Someone who has been shattered and put back together again. Strong, but not by your own strength. Something new, unfamiliar.

And every time I take the pieces of me and try to pull them back together on my own strength I fail. I rail against God for breaking me. And then when that subsides, I let Him pull my pieces back together for me again.


Misty said...

'It's not just losing someone you love that's the hardest part. It's how it continues to redefine you and remind you that you are somebody different now. Someone who has been shattered and put back together again.'

That really resonates with me and it is one of the things I grieved for you ahead of time. When you told me Nicholas was sick it really hurt me that someone who is my friend would know that kind of pain -- the pain of loss that is out of the ordinary. I never wanted anyone I loved to understand that kind of pain. And although I have been blessed beyond measure by this new depth we share I would give it all up if it would take that burden away from you.

mom_of_4 said...

thanks, my friend. there's just something about being out of the natural order of things that just isn't right. your friendship certainly is a blessing and I'm grateful for it.