I thought about the significance of that conversation and wondered how many times I've cried out to God for something to change instead of resting in the confidence that the change is already happening, and I just can't see it yet.
Then I remembered a conversation, again in the car with Sabrina, only a week earlier. We were on the way to her yearly checkup, a destination that she is familiar with. She kept asking, "Are we almost there?" and I would respond, "It's just around the corner," knowing that we were only a block or two away. She kept saying that she couldn't see it so it must still be really far. Only when we turned the corner and she could see our destination with her own eyes was she satisfied. Obviously, my definition of "we're almost there" and "just around the corner" was not the same as hers.
How many things are there in our lives that are just around the corner? Those things we have been waiting for, that we cannot see yet, that we think must still be so far away? Can we trust the One leading us? Can we rest in confident expectation that those things we long for are closer than we think?
1 comment:
Lisa, I'm loving your blog and your thoughts, as always. I love your heart. :-)
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