Today marks six months since Nicholas left this earth. I can't believe how fast time goes by.
The speed at which time goes by used to concern me. Now I'm starting to see it as another one of God's mercies. The sooner we get to the end of our time on this earth, the sooner we are all together again.
But for now, I've resolved to enjoy the moments of this life as they march by. I can't think of a better way to honor my little boy's beautiful spirit.
I'm thinking of you and praying for you today. Six months...
I've been thinking so much about the passage of time and my "relationship" with time. I think how you have expressed it here describes the perfect balance between looking forward and living now...(now to figure how how to realize this every day again :)
Thanks for the comments and encouragement you have given me recently.
I followed a link to here from "bookworm"... and when I looked back I realized that I have been here before... you may have commented on my own blog a number of months ago, perhaps? I no longer keep up my blog, but I know that I have read your story before...and felt a strong connection. We have lost two daughters to a genetic disease. It has been 4 years since Rachel passed away, and almost 5 months since Amryn left us. I remember that your post about "paradox" really struck me. It seemed to describe our life, too. Could you please email me so I can chat with you? thanks,
hi lisa it's mugs. hows it going? i know its hard to let go of someone in your family. i would miss him and her if i had seen her. not that i don't miss them. i really miss you guys. and i can't wait to see beans.can you please tell beans i love her and that i can't wait to see her.and could you please tell her she is my favourite neice and that she always will be.schools going great.my class is awesome. but there is one girl that bugs me alot. her name is ''jenny''. she is okay i guess.but she can have a big mouth. but everythings gonna be okay tommorow.can't wait to see you guys. and remember i love you soooooo much!!!!!!!! love.mugs also known as ocean ''heart'' love ya.
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