Sunday, January 11, 2009

Tending Jethro's Sheep

I wonder if Moses had a plan for his life before he killed the Egyptian and fled for the wilderness. Maybe he was going to rescue the Hebrew people by winning Pharaoh over from inside the family. Maybe he was going to try to rejoin his Hebrew brethren in the brick pits. Maybe he was going to get a job in the Egyptian government, raise a family, and retire somewhere nice.

I doubt he ever thought he would end up in the Midianite wilderness, tending sheep. He did that for 40 years until God called to him from the burning bush to lead His people out of slavery.

Over a year ago, my life turned upside down. I was all of a sudden in a place that I never thought I would be. I had a plan for my life, and I was really excited about my twins and turning my heart toward raising children and caring for my family. I believe that over this past year I have come to accept that life did not go according to plan. But I still look to Moses' example. Yes, he got comfortable in Midian. He married, had a family, learned a new career. But he never lost hope in God's plan for his life. He named his firstborn son Gershom, which means "sojourner". He knew he was a stranger passing through. He named his second son Eliezer, which means "God is my help". He knew he could not fulfill his destiny without God.

Right now, I'm tending Jethro's sheep. But that just means my "burning bush moment" is yet to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that my girl is something that i really believe.. God has big plans for you.. you are a very special girl and have a great understanding of what the words of the Bible mean in todays life .. you can incourage others and i know Your Burning Bush is coming ... i love you soooo much .. you are my inspiratiion.. my shining star.. momxxxxxoooo