Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Nicholas & Olivia's birthstone is a ruby. In researching the folklore and meaning of rubies, I found a quote that says "the Ruby's red glow comes from an internal flame that cannot be extinguished, making a gift of this stone symbolic of everlasting love."

It is one of the most highly prized gems in history, considered to have magical powers, and believed to be a talisman against evil.

I cherish the thought that the rubies I now wear, one for Nicholas and one for Olivia, represent everlasting love. They also represent the beauty that is created from really hard circumstances.

My Corrie is a good man, a good husband, and a good father. Not just because it was his delight to give me a gift of "everlasting love", but because it was as important to him as it was to me to have something beautiful and tangible to remember our children to the world.


Hannah said...

I know I treasure my amethyst ring. As you say, it is something tangible to remember our children to the world. I always hope that people will will comment on the ring so that I can tell them about Tabitha. So far, only one woman has, and unfortunately she didn't seem to listen to my response at all. :( But I still loved the rare opportunity to say I have daughter...

Lisa said...

I have two red stones in a necklace given to me in memory of Rachel and Amryn. They hang close to my heart, always- never take it off! I hang on to the stones when I miss them. As with you, Hannah, only one person has asked me about it, and they looked so uncomfortable with my story that I cut it very short. But my friends, family and I know what it means and I love that! Even when our family photo was taken, I felt like they were in the picture too (: